5 Characteristics of a Good Electrician

technician at the door.

When you’re looking for a reputable electrician in Auburn, WA to perform repairs or services in your home, you might run into what’s called “choice overload.” This is the phenomenon of having so many available options that it becomes difficult to choose anything at all. This is quite common nowadays since a simple internet search for “electrician” can give you so many results.

However, you can severely reduce the pain of choice overload by narrowing down your options. There are several “good signs” that an electrician can possess that can assure you they’re the real deal, such as their credentials, the way they present themselves, and the services they offer.

You should remove any electrician from your list who doesn’t have these qualities:

1. Attention to Professionalism

A high level of professionalism is something you can detect immediately from the very first phone call. Beyond just having a polite and professional way of answering the phone and scheduling your appointments, they should be able to do things like provide a precise time for when they’ll arrive, notify you of any changes to their schedule well in advance, and take all the precautions to avoid damaging or dirtying your home.

2. Not Afraid to Show Credentials

Always check the credentials of any service professional before they start making repairs or installations inside your home. Without insurance and a license, you can be held liable for any of the injuries that they incur on the job! A reputable contractor will have no issue with showing their credentials to you.

A legitimate electrician will have licenses with the state and the city, as well as credentials for various specialties:

  • Electrical work
  • Contracting work
  • And more

3. Publicly Displayed Testimonials

“Social proof” is a powerful way to ensure that someone is who they say they are. It’s the reason why we’re willing to trust Yelp almost as much as our own family or friends when it comes to a recommendation. Likewise, a good electrician should have some semblance of reviews and testimonials online, either on their website or on a website for reviews.

4. Qualified to Perform Electrical Maintenance

A handyman is someone who can attach a few wires and call it a day. A skilled electrician, however, is someone who can assess your home’s electrical system, make repairs where necessary, and come back again in the future to ensure that the system is in good shape. A good electrician will be able to perform these maintenance tasks and will insist on performing them; an amateur will be more interested in getting in and out as fast as possible.

5. Several Years in the Business

Although there is nothing stopping a new company from hiring electricians with many years of experience, newer companies won’t be able to deliver the same level of quality as one with some years of experience. It’s also much easier to put your trust in electricians that have shown they’ve earned the respect of the community and many clients.

Looking for a reputable electrician for your home electrical needs? Contact Resicon LLC today to request a free consultation.

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