Preventative Maintenance

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PROGRAM BENEFITS Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
21- Point Maintenance
Schedule Reminder
Monthly Payment Plans
Transfer of Ownership
Number of Sevices per year 1 per year 2 per year 2 per year 2 per year
Repair Warranty 90 days 1 year 2 years 2 years
Regular Hours Repair Discount 5% 5% 15% 15%
Emergency Service Priority Scheduling Same day Same day
Blower Wheel Cleaning 1/yr ($260)
Deep Clean Outdoor Coil 1/yr ($400)
Yearly Investment $180 $480 $588 $684
Monthly Investment $15/month $40/month $49/month $57/month
Additional System (Service Same Day) $168 $360 $480 $588
Additional System Investment $14/month $30/month $40/month $49/month

Note: Washington Sales Tax (WST) not included.

Additional services:
Blower Removal and Deep Clean ($260)
Whole-House Electrical Safety Check ($250)


The DHP Basic Plan* (1 visit per year)
Check system operation and clean indoor unit filters
Starts at $180 for 1 outdoor unit and 1 indoor unit
Each additional wall unit is only $1 dollar more a month
*As an add item with a basic membership a power wash is $200 per component

The DHP Diamond plan (1 visit per year)
Basic Plan Checks Plus Deep Clean Power Wash
Starts at $300/year & includes 1 component with condensate line cleaning as needed ($85 value)
Add additional ductless components for just $15 per month each

Customize your plan: Choose how many components you want deep cleaned every year and rotate which piece(s) of equipment are deep cleaned OR choose to have every piece of equipment power washed every year.
NOTE* Sales Tax not included

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